Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spring in January

We've had a few, very warm days the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately, I think the today was the last of these days and that come tomorrow, winter is here to stay. Here are a few pics I got to take during one of these days ...




Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Little Christmas

Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas ...

The twins received a shopping cart from Santa and all the kids prefer riding over "shopping".

And of course, the twins chose the ribbons and boxes over most of the gifts. Here is Harper modeling one of those ribbons.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Home Work

Do you remember how upset you used to get when a teacher would give you homework over Christmas break? Well, it just seems that, the older you get that homework turns into home work (and still over Christmas break). Steph and I had to buy a new refrigerator a couple of days ago (old one kicked the bucket). Well, couple a new appliance with too much HGTV while not working and you get ... home work. We've been wanting to paint since we moved into the house in June and have decided to start with the kids' rooms. So yesterday, I textured the walls (never did it before, but with HGTV and the Internet who needs to know how to do anything, right). And today we start painting ... fun! Carter is excited because he gets to pick out his very own paint color, which is going to be some shade of green - his favorite color.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Okay ... Sorry!

Steph and I have decided to make a 2009 commitment of keeping up the family blog. So we decided to get the commitment kicked off the last day of 2008. So here we go ...

The Kiddos

The kiddos have all been growing up ... so much. Carter's vocabulary is a crack up, and where he learns some things we'll never know, but love it. Camden got released from physical therapy for his torticollis about three months ago. He still has a slight tilt in his neck (to the right), but very unnoticeable (unless you know it's there). Harper looks like a little girl now, and acts like a princess (the boss). Both of the twins are coming into their personalities and of course curious and into everything. Life is crazy ... but fun! Here are some pics ...


This is our "sassy" princess.

Harper found some of Carter's yogurt, and decided to help herself.

Here is our little dragon-girl.


Camden has the best and cutest smile.

He was a monkey for Halloween. Little did we know he would actually turn into a monkey (he climbs everything).

The kids got new winter hats - here's Camden in his.


Here is Carter posing with the cookies (he helped to make), letter, and milk for Santa.

Carter writing a thank you letter to Santa.

Carter helped me rake some leaves and had fun jumping into them.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Some Recent Pics

Some recent pictures of everyone. Lately we've been trying to keep everyone or get everyone healthy.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Much Needed New Pics!!!!

Sorry it's been forever since I've blogged. But as you can see, everyone is getting much bigger. We can't believe the twins 1 year birthday is just over a month away. Camden has been crawling and in to everything for a couple of months now and Harper started crawling yesterday (you go girl!). Carter uses complete sentences sometimes, which blows us away and is getting much better with the babies (most of the time). Oh yeah, in the midst of all of this - we moved too. We're much closer to the church - like 2 miles away (as opposed to about 20 in Piedmont). Hopefully we won't go three months without posting again. Enjoy the pics.

All still for 1 minute!

Camden is into everything (but still time for a quick pic - he's such a ham!)

Harper loves her new sippie cup.

The best part of baking a cake with mommy.

Camden with another cheesy smile.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Getting Big

Camden and Harper are getting so big. We decided a couple of weeks ago to let them start crying themselves back to sleep a little during the night, which has been a wonderful thing for Steph and I - we've been able to sleep a little more ourselves. They are definitely starting to grow into their personalities, which is neat to watch again. Here they are::

The Best Deal Ever

This past weekend we took the kids to the zoo. We got year passes - which is the best deal ever - sure we are going to be frequenting the zoo a lot. It was a great day to visit the zoo - the rest of OKC thought so too. Of course most of the big animals were napping while we were there. Here are some pics of Carter from the big day::

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bath Time

The twins are starting to enjoy bath time. Camden loves to splash the water and Harper simply enjoys leaning back and relaxing in the bath. Of course Carter would live in the bathtub if we allowed him.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Pics

Carter getting ready to hunt Easter eggs::
The twins love to be naked, and man, they're cute -

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Camden's Torticollis

We have an appointment tomorrow, for Camden, with a neurologist in town to determine whether or not Camden is a good candidate for Botox treatment for his torticollis. If he seems to be a good candidate, Steph and I will then have to decide if we want to go ahead with treatment. Botox treatments in infants with torticollis has been proven quite successful in accelerating healing, but it doesn't come without scares and complications Thanks for your prayers.